Metal Slug 5 Game Full Version (Mediafire)

Metal Slug 5 ROM Download for Neo Geo
Original release date: November 2003
Series: Metal Slug
Developer: SNK Playmore, Noise Factory
Platform: Game Arcade, Neo Geo, PlayStation 2, Microsoft Windows, Xbox

Publisher: SNK Playmore, UTV Ignition Entertainment

Metal Slug 5 Game For mediafire Free Download  -Already know the game Metal Slug? Adventure game that once war is in the interest in the game Metal Slug Playstation 1 was used was popular because in addition to playing a fun and exciting adventure, also supported graphics are quite nice to class Plasystation game 1. Well, for you who want to play back game Metal Slug for a computer, you can get game Collection MetalSlug in this blog complete several series. in paninogamepc, the admin post metal slug that version 7 and 10.

So quickly download free full version of Metal Slug 5 pc game now. It is available in all OS windows xp/vista/ME/98/2000/7/8/10. Metal Slug 5 is a video game for the platform Neo Geo console / arcade SNK Playmore SNK created by the company. Released in 2003 for the MVS arcade platform, is the fifth game in the Metal Slug series, and is one of the last match for the Neo Geo system. This game is the sequel to the previous yaiti Metal Slug 4.

The biggest difference is the addition of the previous title move the slide, which allows players to avoid attacks and maneuvers in a new way. Metal Slug 4 Unlike its predecessor, which reuses the background of the previous game, Metal Slug 5 incorporates a wealth of background environments and new features that more heavy metal soundtrack.


Metal Slug 5 ROM Download for Neo Geo

Metal Slug 5 ROM Download for Neo Geo

Metal Slug 5 ROM Download for Neo Geo

System Requirements
OS : Windows Vista,XP,7, 8, 10 
CPU : 233 MHz Processor..
Hard Drive : 100 MB free.
RAM : 64 MB.
Video Card : 32 MB.

Download Now 

  • Password : panino-gamepc.blogspot

How To install

1. No need to Install.

2. Just dubble click on “MS5.EXE”

3. Now Choose “MSLUGS.ZIP (?)” From Game list. It is under all game at last position.

4. Click on launch. Now the game will start.

4. You can also see the game controls from the main menu of the game.

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