Download Need For Sped : Most Wanted Full Version

Need For Speed Most Wanted is one of the best car racing game ever until today. This game does not require PC specifications are quite high, but has very good graphics and the gameplay is very interesting. If you are gamers, surely you are already familiar with the game Need For Speed Most Wanted. Maybe you already are used to play this cool game on PS 2 or maybe on the computer as well. Granted this is not a new game, but I think for the graphics and gameplay Need For Speed Most Wanted is still not inferior to HD games that are emerging today.

Free Download Need For Speed Most Wanted Full Version - As this was an old game, so it was not much available download links for the game Need For Speed Most Wanted. Well because admin also a big fan of car racing games on this one, so on this occasion we will provide a download link Need For Speed Most Wanted for those of you who want to return to reminisce by playing this cool game. Or maybe you even have never played this game? If you have never played this game, I strongly recommend that you immediately download Need For Speed Most Wanted and play it on your PC now.


This time I'll tell you guys all about the tips to play the game Need For Speed ​​MostWanted. This game was created by the company's games EA.Game tells the story of a character who is wanted by many police. Caused Razor (Black list 1) the characters will be made captive for 15 Black list there.

Before you against the existing black list. You have to beat Razor on 2nd race after the first race you fight Razor harassed by the police. And when you race against Razor the 2nd half way through your car hit the spikes and oil posted by Razor and eventually your car in tow. Finally you arrested by CROSS and asisstannya and you jailed for 3 years.

After 3 years you and your friend Mia Townsend free pick and drop to store the car / car lot. In the car lot there are 4 options, but I love the advice, you better choose a car Cobalt SS (because it is cheaper and top speed). Once you get out of the car lot you go to the garage and the mia will teach 15 to the black list.

Once you against Razor you will get a BMW M3 GTR that you use when first career danmobil already ULTIMATE all performacenya. And do not like it because you will be pursued by the cross and the army and you must escape from the cross and his troops. In this breakout you can not see the map. But if you can survive within 5 minutes mia will be phoned you and will let you know the way out of town. If you've been through a bridge that has not finished the game Need For Speed ​​Most Wanted is finished. So the police will not chase you again you are free.

System Requirements For Need For Speed Games

Minimum system requirements:

OS: Windows 2000/XP.Vista/7
CPU: 1.4 GHz
RAM: 256 MB
VGA: Video card with 32 MB or more memory and one of these chipsets is required: ATI Radeon 7500 or greater; ATI Radeon Xpress 200; NVIDIA GeForce2 MX/GTS or greater; Intel 950/i915g; S3 GammaChrome S18 Pro
DirectX 9.0c
8x or faster CD/DVD ROM

Recommended system requirements:

OS: Windows XP.Vista/7
CPU: 3 GHz
VGA: Atleast an NVidia 5900 or ATi 9800 with 256mb of video memory
DirectX 9.0c
8x or faster CD/DVD ROM

Screenshots Games 

Trailer Video Need For Speed Most Wanted Games


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