one piece grand battle (2005) Mediafire

Initial Release Date: March 17, 2005
Developer: Ganbarion
Series: One Piece
Platform: PlayStation 2, Nintendo GameCube
Publisher: Bandai, Atari

PANINOGAMEPC - Hello bro, this time fighting admin paninogamepc will share One piece. These are games the most in looking for One Piece fans. Bandai also made his daoadaptasi PC version of the PS2 game. You also can download One Piece Grand Battle 2 ps1, if you want to play it too. And in playing this game do not need to look for another emulator, because it is available directly Dolpin default emulator installer (except dolpin emulator does not fit your specifications, can look for another dolpin version) .Nvidia or Radeon 256MB, DirectX 9.0

Anime-themed battle game characters provide two modes, namely an adventure to get new characters and fighting free indefinitely. With many Arena available, we certainly will not be easily bored, especially in any place we can use to arm themselves, like a giant bat, toxic mold or casks. And one more thing that is intriguing, each character has special moves or the damage is quite substantial.

pass :

How to Play:
1. Download the file above first
2. Make sure your computer's specifications in accordance
3. Extract
4. Setup in the folder "Docs"
5. Install-finish-play

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